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16 dic 20194 Min. de lectura
Steven Poelmans: Cyborgs are among us
In his interview to Invest Foresight, a main media partner of the Forum, he shared his foresights regarding synergy between humans and AI
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11 dic 20193 Min. de lectura
The NeuroTrainingLab™ methodology adapts to the specific needs of each country
The NeuroTrainingLab™ methodology, developed and taught by KLIO in Barcelona, follows specific and core guidelines in all its franchises...
101 visualizaciones
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4 nov 20192 Min. de lectura
Harvard Business Review Brazil publishes an article on the NeuroTrainingLab™
NTL Brazil is managed by our partner company Nortus “NeuroTrainingLab™ offers a unique experience of observable and measurable...
102 visualizaciones
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16 oct 20194 Min. de lectura
Prof. Dr. Steven Poelmans receives the Melexis Endowed Chair of HPO at Antwerp Management School
Being named to a chair is a prestigious award and at the same time a challenge. The purpose of an endowed chair is to conduct research...
158 visualizaciones
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